Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early November

We hope you're all having a great fall and finding time to go fishing. Fishing is such a fun sport especially Musky fishing. For some fall is a time to put the boat away and get the hunting gear out to spend time in the woods but for all of us here at the Musky Shop we fish until ice up. There's nothing like catching a huge Musky in late fall and we hope many of you will find time to enjoy God's creation and catch some monster fish.
We are experiencing a bit of an unusual warm up for the next couple of weeks and if the weather man is correct, it looks like we will have open water at least until the end of November and possibly beyond that. Our water temps in the Northwoods of Wisconsin are in the mid 40's and look to stay there for a couple of weeks.
Mid 40-degree water temps usually lead to Muskies still wanting to eat and chase baits a bit so that you don't have to put the bait right in front of them. Fishing has been good here in the Northwoods. Muskies are scattered a bit, but we are hearing reports from our guide staff and fisherman coming into the Musky Shop of people having good success positioning the boat out off of the edge and then casting up past the weed ledge or shelf. That way one is covering up past the structural edge or shelf, the edge of the structure and then out off of the structure.
Covering structure in that fashion can really lead to great success. A lot of the time in late fall muskies will hang around weed edges and structural edges. The edges of rock piles as well. So, if you concentrate on structural edges many times that will lead to success. Some very good late fall baits are Jerkbaits, Soft Plastics, and Crankbaits. Bucktails can catch Muskies however in my opinion Cranks, Jerks and Soft Plastics are more productive baits. Live Musky Suckers are always good to have along as well.
A short list of current producing lures for the guide staff have been: 10” Weighted Suicks, Livingston Titans, Livingston Flipper Slow Rise, 7” Toothy Tuff Assault Eel, Chaos Tackle Medussa, Musky Innovations Alpha Dawg, Big Fork Reef Digger, Ivan Lures Crankster, and B&N Magnum Claw. Also, we offer a wide variety of sucker rigs for your live bait. All of the above lures are all very good selections for late fall Musky fishing and are great for covering the 3-part zone of up on the structure, the edge of the structure, and out off of the edge of the structure.
Always keep in mind if you're dragging a live Musky Sucker to keep him out off the edge or above structure so that he isn't getting tangled. If the Musky Sucker is getting tangled then you are being unproductive and shrinking your odds for success. Always try to be as productive as possible as that will lead to muskies in the net and quite possibly the musky of a lifetime in the net.
We have a very good selection of fresh live Musky Suckers that are in very cold well water.
Please contact us if you would like to hook up with one of our guide staff or if we can be of service to you as it would be our pleasure to serve you.
Good Fishing and God Bless, Jim Stewart