Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early July 2024

Hi Everyone,
We hope you are having a great summer and all of you are catching a bunch of fish. Fishing in the Minocqua area has been fantastic this summer. I've heard of some really big Muskies being caught including a 54"er as the largest that I have heard of so far this summer. Muskies have been scattered pretty much for the last few weeks and most likely will remain scattered until early fall. So, with that being said what one should consider to do is cover your bases in terms of location and bait presentation.
For location consider starting shallow and work some shallow areas for a bit and if there isn't much happening, slide out to the outer edge of the shallow structure and cover that outer shallow edge as well as cover the inside of the outer edge. Then if you haven't caught or seen anything slide out further to cover the outer edge of structure and the beginning of the basin then lastly don't be afraid to cover the basin out off of the outer structural edge.
Muskies will roam all of these areas all summer until early fall when the water temps start to come down then at that point Muskies will move shallow. To me, if one can put a plan together to cover your bases in terms of location then do the same with the baits you are using. Put a plan together using Top Water, Bucktails/Spinnerbaits, Glide Baits and Jerkbaits, Soft Plastics, and Crankbaits. If one uses a systematic plan and think about your approach it really will help you put patterns together and help you be successful. Check out our lure kits to help you find a pattern: Bucktail Kit, Topwater Kit, Jerkbait Kit, and Crankbait Kit.
Walleye fishing, Bass fishing, and panfish fishing including Crappies has been very good. On most lakes these species seem to be a bit deeper in the 12 foot to 25-foot range. Night crawlers and Leeches on slip bobbers have been working great with Redtail chubs and XL Fatheads working great as well. One can troll all of these as well using spinners as well as crankbaits. All of those patterns are working. We’ve got all the products you need to get you started like the Northland Butterfly Blade Harness, Bullet Worm Weights, Northland Bottom Bouncer, Thill Slip Bobbers, Rapala Floater 11, or find your own favorites in the Bass/Walleye/Panfish Section of our online store.
Please join us on Saturday, July 20th for our 4th annual Summer Bash. We will have some Big sales as well as approximately 30 vendors, Free Raffle prizes, Brats and soda. It really is a super fun and informational day to learn about Musky Fishing and some of the companies from the Musky industry. We would love to chat with all of you that day from noon-4:00 pm as it would be our pleasure to serve you.
Well, that's it for this time around, we hope all of you catch some Big Muskies and a bunch of fish.
Good Fishing and God Bless, Jim Stewart
Proverbs 16:3
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