ICAST 2022: Registration Begins

Summer time is just around the corner and registering as a leader in your field is important when it comes to ICAST. Some information when checking to registering with ICAST. This event is geared toward all sport fishing and is popular for vendors to show of their new creations in the fishing market and for buyers and retailers just to connect. What many don't know is that ICAST also features various local governments for towns and cities to feature their lakes and rivers, guides and captains so that you may acquire new business, and educational booths designed to feature the science or knowledge behind fishing.
As fishing manufacturers make up a majority of the floor space during this event, we would like to encourage other types of registrants if you are a guide, educator, or government who wishes to bring more tourism to your area. Fishing is a great sport that provides relaxation and hours of entertainment to many for a very small investment and adding your talent to the mix at ICAST is easy through their online registration process. Attention is easy to acquire with thousands of visitors marching through each year. So if you are interested, visit the ICAST 2022 website and register now!