Musky Shop Summer Bash - July 15th

Musky Shop Summer Bash
July 15, 2023
All ages outdoor event at Rollie & Helen's Musky Shop in Minocqua. This event will feature an outdoor space with fishing Tackle vendors, discounts, special merchandise, SEMINAR speakers, food, drinks, and Raffles.
Stop by the Musky Shop for our 3rd Annual Musky Shop Summer Bash. Enjoy seminars and question/answer sessions with our live power panel and special guests. This year our fishing power panel will include Bass Master Champion Angler Randy Howell, along with legendary musky anglers Joe Bucher, Steve Herbeck, Russ Smith, and Steven Paul. The outdoor event will host fishing supply vendors and tons of musky gear. Musky Shop will be offering special one-day-only in-person discounts for all people in attendance. Stay all day from 11 am – 4 pm so you don't miss out on incredible raffle prizes or gear discounts. This is a family-friendly event with snacks and drinks available so bring your children and visit the Musky Shop. The Musky Shop retail store will also be open and available for shopping during the entirety of the event and will be happy to serve our regular customers and event visitors with all of their fishing tackle needs. Parking for this outdoor event is provided for free and attendants will be available to direct traffic on the lot.
7542 Hwy 51S
Minocqua, WI 54548
(715) 356-6011
Owner: Jim Stewart