A Message of Hope for Easter Weekend

Hi Everyone,
I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Easter.
In the welcome letter of our 2023 Musky Shop catalog, I wrote a short message of hope and would like to take a minute to touch on that again. To be honest I really feel God leading me to speak of hope. To me, Hope is such a wonderful thing, and we all need it. There are so many things in our daily lives that we hope for, and I'm sure a lot of these things are incredibly important. We all have hope for our families, jobs and work, financial well-being, health, and communities. We also hope for fun things, like fishing, maybe a golf outing, or getting together with friends. There are so many things we all have hope for, and to me, that's a good thing. Unfortunately, I find myself taking hope for granted sometimes, but as I go through daily life, if I take a moment to pause and think about it, I always find that I have hope for many things.
Of all the things I hope for, they are fleeting if I don't have hope in Jesus. You see, God sent his only Son, Jesus, to take on the sins of the world(including mine) and to die a horrible death on the cross as payment for each of our sins. Then on the third day after giving his life, Jesus Arose from the dead for Victory over sin and death. I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. Romans 10:9 "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."(English Standard Version)
I am very thankful for the gift of hope, but I am most grateful for the hope I have in Jesus giving his life for you and me. To me, that is the Greatest Hope of all.
Enclosing my hope is that you might consider putting your Hope in Jesus if you haven’t done so already. I wish you all a very Happy Easter.
God Bless, Jim Stewart